
May 2021 – Recertification All our quality certificates ISO9001, ISO13485 and IATF 16949 have been renewed.
In 1 second a 3D image

March 2021 In our metrology department we have extended our posibilities in 3D, with the Keyence VR-5200 we can scan 3D images of a product, and can compare these with CAD data. Especially in case of 3D formed products this extension is beneficial, as we can compare immediately if a product fullfills the requirements as […]
Revision presses

Recently one of our presses was completely overhauled by the Beisele company, mechanically, electrically and control, as well as the appearance. The press has already been put back into operation and will almost continuously produce one family of products for a German automotive supplier. The tools we use are linked to the incoming coil video […]
The Sodick ALC400 ultra P

For 2021, we had planned an improvement for our wire erosiuon department, we wanted tob e able to work more accurately. So when company De Ridder presented itself with a very good end-of-year stock clearance offer, we took the opportunity, and realsied this improvement already in 2020. The Sodick ALC400 ultra P brings accuracy at […]
Qualified learning company

Also our molding shop now qualifies as an aknowledged educational firm ! The tool shop and the stamping shop already dis, so now all departments are qualified as educational firm. We strive for vocational level 2 and higher. The education consist of theoretical lessons at the various ROC’s, combined with practical training on the job. […]
High precision products from Euro Techniek promoted

In the “Niederlande Nachrichten” a website dedicated tot he promotion of Dutch industry in Germany, a neat article (in german) is published on Euro-Techniek! Hoogprecisie producten Euro-Techniek
Partial takeover of activities of HMI moulds

June 2020 The last years, Euro-techniek subcontracted a number of moulds to HMI moulds in Oisterwijk (NL) which were necessary for our injection molding department. This to the full satisfaction of our customers, ourselves and HMI moulds. Unfortunately, HMI had to file for bancruptcy due to a combination of a lack of financial reserves, and […]
Plastic for thought ABNAmro

In a sectorreview by the ABN-AMRO bank, Euro-techniek is mentioned as an example of differentiation, besides typical metal processing also plastic injection molding. It is nice that we are mentioned, it is a pity that not also the injection moding of larger volumes is mentioned. See page 12, paragraph 2. Furthermore it is a report […]
Kaiser 250 Ton press installed

In the stamping department, a Kaiser 250 Ton press has been installed. This machine was bought second hand, and overhauled by ourselves. Our partner Smits Besturingstechniek BV took care of the electrical overhaul. With the aid of this press, it is now possible to apply tools with a length of 1300 mm.
Renewal sink erosion and electrode machining

We had a great opportunity to invest in a combination of OPS Ingersoll, a Speedhawk 550 High speed milling machine, and a sink eroding machine Gantry 800 for our Toolshop. With this investment, our sink erosion jobs are future proof.